Since this is One Sentence Blog Post Week in some parts, including these parts, I am going to seize the opportunity to post the ciabatta that I made back in May for the Bread Baker's Apprentice challenge (since the one sentence limitation helps me out big time given that I remember so few details about the ciabatta, seeing as I made it back in May and all) but I do remember that (1) we loved it - this is probably the best bread that I have ever made;(2) it had tiny holes, which irritated me to no end given that the hallmark of a good ciabatta is big holes (i.e. when it comes to ciabatta holes, size matters);
and (3) the fact that I made this insanely delicious bread yet was annoyed about the hole size definitely made me pause and question what has become of me.
I still think it looks perfectly baked. Why don't you give it another try and let us know...ok this won't sound right, but bake it again and let us know how your holes come out =O
It looks like delicious bread, for certain! I loved the ciabatta, and I'm definitely going to try making it again; maybe when it gets cold again and I can stand getting my oven that hot! I'm glad that you guys enjoyed this!
It looks wonderful! I need to give ciabatta a try!
I think what matters is that you liked it! Unless you're entering it in the State Fair and they're measuring the hole size.
To be honest, we were wondering what has become of you, too, but we didn't want to mention it, ESPECIALLY since compared to mine, your holes are CRATERS. :) This WAS delicious...and I think your ciabatta looks wonderful. This is a tough one to make at home.
I'm glad it was delicious despite your issues with the hole size! My husband never understands when I get bothered by the appearance of something if it's tasty :) I think it's the perfectionist in us. I think the bread look awesome - I have been wanting to make ciabatta forever.
I think it looks pretty darn amazing too--besides it shouldn't be about the size of the holes--just how you use them! ;-)
Glad to hear that your bread was yummy. I know how you feel--I'm always way too hard on myself about how things turn out. Beginning to realize that my holes are better than I thought. =) I'm thinking I may go for the one sentence or something similar so I can just get mine posted already...
Well, I think you are being way too critical as this looks really good inside and out and the hole size is very standards for all breads is this: How will it stand up to grilled cheese sandwiches? You will find out, if you haven't already, that kids will eat grilled cheese sandwiches when nothing else will suffice. And teenage boys eat them by the half dozens. Yours looks perfect for gcsand b/c with this size of hole, the cheese won't all leak out onto the griddle!
Your ciabatta looks wonderful. You have bigger holes than when I made it for the first time last year.
I love the texture of the bread. You obviously did a good job.
Aren't we bakers funny, I mean, you end up with a bread the family loves and yet it doesn't feel totally successful because of the hoes (your holes look enormous compared to mine, which were nonexistent).
I just made mine this morning - post will be up tomorrow - and I too was disappointed with my hole size... But it is so delicious.
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